Tips to Protecting My Peace


With all that 2020 has brought our way, I have had to make a conscious effort to protect my mental health and really dig deep to keep it together at times. Here are a few things I have incorporated to help keep my head above water during this pandemic and manage all that life has coming our way.

1. Schedule personal time. Every month, I schedule at least one personal day for myself and give Ben the opportunity to do the same. During the pandemic, we have obviously been at home for increased periods of time and it can feel like there is never a break or time to carve our true personal time with a one year old while managing two careers. On this much anticipated personal day, we have the nanny watch Tatum during the day, and I am free of responsibilities with Tatum, with work and at home (for the most part). I have to be intentional about not filling my day just crossing things off of my to-do list and being really productive. I do set aside some time for that, but I make sure to keep my personal day about self-care and recharging. There is a difference between being productive and actually taking time to relax. It is really a time for me to do whatever I want. I usually spend most of the day painting, which I rarely get to do for longer than one or two hours at a time. My personal day has quickly become my favorite day of the month.

2. Acknowledge and share gratitudes.  I have written before about being an early riser. Every morning during the work week, I begin my day with a daily prayer and gratitudes. It is very easy to get caught up in all that is going wrong and all that worries us on a day to day basis. Starting off with a simple list and acknowledging my blessings right in front of me has helped keep my head above water. There is so much to be thankful for, even if it seems like the world is crashing around us. 

3. Lean into family time. This year has been a blessing in the fact that we get to spend a lot of time at home watching Tatum grow up right before our eyes. Ben and I have become more intentional about leaning into family time and really shutting off work once the day is over. Family play time, cuddle time and being present in the moment are all positives that this year has enhanced. 

4. Schedule time with my therapist. I began therapy sessions before the pandemic began. These sessions look different now in a virtual environment, but they have been extremely valuable for me to check in on my mental health. It is a safe space for me to discuss anything and everything I desire and talk through how to manage them with an unbiased opinion. These mental “tune ups” on a recurring basis are another step in keeping my sanity and living a balanced life.

5. Say ‘no’ more. This has by far been the most rewarding for me. Saying no to things I don’t want to do, paintings I don’t want to paint, or virtual events I don’t want to attend gives me back the control over my happiness. I spend more time focusing on what makes me happy rather than what will make others happy all the time. This helps my schedule feel less busy, which is always a plus.

I encourage you to find what makes you happy and set aside time for that. Check in with yourself periodically and make sure you are carving out time for yourself to relax, and I mean really relax. Soak up the little joys in front of you and count your blessings every day.


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